Practice Information

Know where to go when feeling unwell

Please use if you have an urgent medical problem and your GP practice is closed. You will be supported to access the most appropriate healthcare for your needs. If you call NHS 111, please be patient.

NHS Friends and Family

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Home Visits

We offer the option of home visits in some circumstances. We request that apart from those patients that are genuinely housebound, all other patients attend the surgery rather than request a home visit due to the extra time that this takes.

You may request a home visit by ringing 03000 240001. As far as possible we ask that these requests are made BEFORE 10:00 am. The clinician on call will phone you back to discuss the request.

Please note that the doctor may telephone you rather than visit you if this is deemed medically appropriate. Ultimately it is the doctors right to decide whether a visit is appropriate for a particular set of circumstances.

a close up of a map

Find us

Practice Boundary

The Chapel Medical Centre is available to all patients living in the Slough area.

Patient Participation Group

Do you have an opinion about the practice, an innovative idea or would you just like to be kept up to date? If so, why not consider joining the Patient Participation Group. 

This group is an opportunity for you to get together with other patients and practice representatives to discuss the issues that affect you most. The groups main objectives are to improve the systems and services provided to patients.

If you are interested in joining us complete the following form.

Disabled Access

We offer onsite car parking, disabled parking and wheelchair access.

There is also a disabled WC onsite and induction loop for those that require accessibility.

Do you have impaired sight and therefore require us to write to you in large print? If so, please let reception know so that they can update your medical record and comply with your request. 

NHS Friends and Family

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Our Staff


  • Dr Z Ali (Male)
  • Dr S Sadiq (Female)
  • Dr S Majid (Female)
  • Dr N Imrit (Female)
  • Dr H Dhamu (Male)
  • Dr T Thakar (Female)
  • Dr R McEachran (Female)
  • Dr J Kinghorn (Female)
  • Dr C Vijayakumar (Female)
  • Dr P James (Male)
  • Dr S Deen (Male)
  • Dr J Parker (Male)
  • Dr E Singh (Female)
  • Dr S Ghani (Female)

 Physicians Associate:

  • Maira Ahmad

Nursing Team

  • Elisa Deladia - Lead
  • Babara Asante 
  • Stephanie Lodge

Nurse Associates

  • Portia Alcedo 
  • Vera Filipe


  • Kathleen Evangelista

Clinical Pharmacist

  • Gurkiran Ghatore
  • Veerpal Sandhu

Practice Management

  • Suzy Simmons - Primary Care Manager
  • Cuelin Arnolds - Deputy Practice Manager 
  • Dr Sufian Jabbar - Clinical Lead


Admin Team 

  • Kim Smyth
  • Brygida Pustul
  • Saliha Iratni
  • Stevi-Jayne Carter
  • Zainab Khan
  • Maria Flynn
  • Dennis Cruz


  • Shona Richardson
  • Iwona Zug

Reception Team 

  • Shadeke Richardson
  • Kaldip Sandhu
  • Carolyn Pina
  • Tracey Miller

Medical Summarisers

  • Patryk Drazba
  • Revathi Perumal

Care Navigators 

  • Rishelle De Oliviera
  • Roniece Richards

Waiting Room Services

The waiting room at The Chapel Medical Centre is shared with another service, emergency dental . Patients are called in by clinicians depending on the service they are due to see so there may be times when another patient comes in after you and is called first. 

For your Privacy

If you would like to speak to a member of staff away from the desk in private, please let our reception team know so that we can help accommodate this.